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NUTRI Required Concentration Courses

Descriptions of Required Courses for the public health nutrition (NUTR) concentration in addition to the Foundation MPH courses.


NUTR 503      Community Nutrition Assessment (2) Examination of the socio-ecological model and nutrition-related protective and risk factors at each level of the model; community nutrition needs assessment, including defining nutrition-related services, gaps, and health disparities in priority populations.

NUTR 504      Community Nutrition Intervention & Evaluation (2) Conceptualization of organizational and community-level interventions; overview of policy, systems, and environmental interventions; development of a culturally appropriate implementation and evaluation plan for a population-focused nutrition intervention; development of grant writing skills.

NUTR 507      Introduction to Theories of Health Behavior (3) Broad overview of behavior change theories most relevant to research and practice in public health nutrition. Taught from a socioecological perspective, application of theories will be discussed at multiple levels (e.g., individual, interpersonal, environmental and community).

NUTR 510      Applied Human Nutrition (3) Overview of nutrient functions in fundamental biological processes (in non-disease states), including energy transformation, metabolic regulation, and growth/development, all with emphasis on application in community and public health settings, including the Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA), Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI), and nutrition-related evidenced-based guidelines.
(DE) Prerequisite(s): Introductory levels of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Nutrition.

NUTR 514      Advanced Community Nutrition Practicum (2) Experiential practice in community nutrition at local public health and community nutrition agencies; development of cultural awareness, knowledge, skills, and experience; use quality improvement methods to improve a nutrition-related community program, service or project. Fall term focuses on a community nutrition needs assessment for a priority population. Spring term focuses on planning, implementation, and evaluation of a community-focused nutrition intervention. Both terms culminate with a poster presentation for faculty, preceptors, students, and community members.
Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 3 hours.
(DE) Corequisite(s): NUTR 503 or 504 or Permission of Instructor.
Registration Restriction(s): Nutrition majors only. Minimum student level – graduate.

NUTR 531      Nutrition Fundamentals (1) A study of how nutrition is related to health and disease through digestion, absorption, transport, and metabolism throughout the life cycle.

NUTR 540      Public Policy in Action (3) An overview of health- and nutrition-related public policies and legislation in Tennessee and the United States; development of effective policy briefs, op-eds, podcasts, and advocacy speeches to educate policymakers and the public about important public health priorities and/or legislation; development of advocacy skills through simulations and virtual meetings with policymakers and community stakeholders; teams will work to develop policy briefs.

Related Electives (6)  

Professional Skills Development:

NUTR 587 Applied Practice Experience (6)
Applied Practice Experience in an approved organization under supervision of a designated preceptor. Students must complete a total of 6 credit hours. Cross-listed: (See Public Health 587). Grading Restriction: Satisfactory/No Credit grading only. Repeatability: May be repeated. Maximum 6 hours. Comment(s): One semester advance notice required. Registration Permission: Consent of major advisor.