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Welcome, Alumni and Friends

With more than 1,200 alumni from our public health programs, each new graduate joins a robust alumni network inspiring healthy people in healthy communities.

As a graduate of the program, your accomplishments and leadership reflect positively on our program and inspire prospective students to pursue a degree in public health.


Ways to connect with the Department of Public Health

Alumni Services

Need a transcript? Order one by mail, phone, fax, or online.

Looking for a job? The Center for Career Development offers a wide range of services for alumni. Get career counseling, prepare for you job search, enter your resume in a web-based database provided to employers, view research on employers, and much more. Specialized services are available for alumni.

Looking for someone to fill a job? Hire someone from UT through the employer services offered by the Center for Career Development.

Alumni Survey

Members of the MPH Academic Program Committee are striving to continuously improve the MPH degree program. A survey of MPH alumni are conducted on a regular basis in order to evaluate their experience in the program. Results of these surveys can be viewed on the Student and Alumni Surveys page.